Report Incorrect Phone Number or Address

Please use this form if you are receiving mail or phone calls from Lyons, Doughty & Veldhuis for a party that does not reside at the address or phone number being contacted. We exercise our best efforts to make any necessary changes or deletions within two business days. Thank you for your assistance in minimizing misdirected communications.

  • Please fill out the information below if LDV is calling your phone number and leaving messages for someone who does not live there.

  • Please fill out the information below if you are receiving mail at your address for someone who does not reside there.

  • Would you like us to contact you via email when this change has been made?
    • Work or Personal Email
    • Would you like a response to this inquiry via email?
    • May we email you about your account in the future (even if this is a work email address)?
  • This firm is a debt collector.